Building Committee News. We dedicated the expansion on Sunday, August 20. Work was completed in time for school to begin on August 23! Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with moving furniture and supplies into our new spaces. Landscaping and several small projects still need to be completed. We are working through the building to make a list of items that still need to be addressed before we sign off on the project with Keller.
Capital Campaign News. To date, $440,917 of pledged gifts have been received for the Growing in Grace campaign, in addition to $66,354 of unpledged gifts, as well as gifts received before the campaign. Thank you for your generous support! If you have not made a commitment and would like to get involved in the campaign, stop in the office for a commitment form, or simply give using the “Building Fund” line on your offering.
Building Expansion Celebration. Join us on Sunday, October 15, for a celebration. Special worship services at 8:00 & 10:30 am will give thanks to God for our new ministry space. At 12:00 pm, there will be a brief program in the sanctuary, to be followed by an open house with food, drinks, tours and activities in the expanded fellowship hall and classrooms. Sign up beginning September 8!